I had a weird idea for a list. Everyone is talking about using the new E. Vyros as a jam list, so I came up with a similar concept using Ossyan. It's a way to combat E. Lilyth and some Hordes. The idea is that he is a bit more versatile and not so reliant on his jacks. While the list may not hit extremely hard all the time, it can have a nasty feat turn picking off their vital pieces. After that it should just be a process of mopping up whats left or looking for an opening to their caster.
Discordia 10
Hypnos 9
Aspis 4
Invictors+UA 12
Destors 11
x2 Destor thanes 8
x2 Arcanist 2
Reinforcements would either be x2 stormfall archers or a Banshee
The idea is quickening goes on the destors giving them spd 10. With a 20" run and 2" engagement they should be able to tie ranged beasts or units up. After the Destors have engaged something, I'll likely swap quickening to the Invictors.
Admonition would likely go on discordia or hypnos.
Shatterstorm is probably on the invictors for early turns, later they'll probably switch to quickening.
Breakdown of what I took and why:
Discordia: The battlegroup will probably brick up around Discordia giving any ranged element a hard time trying to take out my jacks. With the aspis loitering nearby it can cover either disco or Ossyan himself should he come under fire.
Hypnos: Obvious really. Why wouldn't you take this jack with ossyan? Void lock is amazing.
Aspis: Ossyan needs to get up close to get the most out of his feat, so the aspis will act as a body guard for him and eat the odd high power ranged shot for himself or discordia.
Destors: I'm not a huge fan of this unit. But with sr2012 scenarios, spd10 cav with reach can jam the other guy extremely quickly. Once engaged, the armor 19 isn't bad either. I don't expect them to do a ton of killing, but if they're a pain to take out and can keep the other guy from moving onto objectives or shooting.. They've done what I want.
Invictors+UA: Normally I'm not a huge Invictor fan. But they are bringing versatility to this list. Good enough armor to not sweat blasts (especially with discordia) high stats with CRA or flank, and hitting power. Their role will adapt to what I'm matched up against.
x2 Destor thanes: These will basically act as bullies. Hunting down solos, support models or small units. They get some pretty good benefit out of the feat. Their speed will enable them to bring their firepower to bear where needed. They can also jam if necessary similar to the Destors.
x2 arcanists: I believe if you have more than 1 jack in your battlegroup, you take 2 Arcanists. Period.
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