I went to a tournament at the last minute, initially they were only allowing painted armies.. But the store allowed unpainted players in order to get more people to play.
So my lists:
Max sents+UA
Max Invictors+UA
Fane Knight
x2 Assassins
Max sents+UA
E Eiyress
Fane knight
overall the lists were ok. I really only took kae and garryth to mess around, I don't want to become too dependant on Rahn and Ravyn. I was also trying to become less dependant on Aiyanna and holt.
Game one:
Against Charlie's Seaforge. I went with Garryth.. I had the upper hand, but some good rolls for him and a turn of bad rolls for me sealed the deal and I lost. Sometime's its nice to get a loss out of the way early, because the rest of the day I can just goof off and have fun.
Game Two:
Dave with menoth. He was using p.feora, I went with Garryth again. Basically I was able to focus my forces into half his army at a time, the feat turn locked him down and allowed me to finish him off. A nice guy and fun game
Game Three:
Nick with cygnar, using p.nemo. Nick butchered me down to literally just Kaelyssa while about half his force was intact, I did a desperate move of casting phantom seeker and shooting nemo 3 times getting the assassination. I felt bad, he obviously had the game won and beat me but a lucky assassination denied him his rightful win. I would gladly play Nick again anytime.
I feel the Kaelyssa list was solid, but the Garryth list was ho-hum. I'm still not a fan of invictors
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