So here is a Vyros list I have been messing around with:
P. Vyros +6
Banshee 10
Sphinx 7
Sphinx 7
Aspis 4
Sentinels+ua 11
x2 Arcanist 2
It's pretty fun so far. It doesn't have any tricks or gimmicks really, but it does attrition fairly well.
It's also got just enough shooting on the warjacks to pull off random bird's eye assassinations if you get close enough and are fighting against a low armor caster.
The idea was to have several cheap jacks and the reach is just icing on the cake. I've debated dropping the aspis in favor of a pair of Magisters or sylas and lynissa for the free upkeep and free charges. The aspis is usually shield guarding vyros or the sentinel officer and providing flank when needed.
Over all it doesn't have a ton of hitting power, but the list is fun to use and can jam warjacks fairly quickly under mobility.
I'll have to tinker with it some more
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