So I have a general hobby blog, but it is mostly 40k related.. I figured I would start a new one following my efforts in Warmachine mkII. This blod will follow painting, the odd battle report and thoughts on my lists as I fumble around in the dark of mkII and figure out just what the hell I'm doing
I played the previous edition with a large Khador army but lost interest due to a lack of local community and events to attend.. But it seems to have picked up in the last 2 years. So with the release of the new edition and due to painting a few Warmachine commissions for a friend, my interest was sparked again.
I have picked up quite a bit of the Retribution. I now own at least 1 of every unit with the exception of Destors of course. I have managed to paint up about 50 points worth of stuff so far (I will post that later).
I get in about 3 to 5 games a week, and get completely pasted for the most part.. But at least I learn quickly and don't fall for the same trick twice ;)